četrtek, 1. april 2010

Scalus - izmenjava

Podiplomske študente oz. tiste, ki to želijo postati in želijo nabrati dobre izkušnje v tujini:
Pišejo pa lahko tudi nam na naslov scalus at xlab si. In mimogrede, tole ni prvoaprilska šala :)


Example A: a researcher has graduated with a first degree in biology in 2004 and would like to start her Ph.D. studies in 2007. She is eligible as an ESR within the ITN as she has less than 4 years of research experience and no PhD.

Example B: a researcher has already been working as a researcher in industry for two years since graduating with his first degree in chemistry. He would be able to benefit from participation in an ITN as an ESR even without pursuing a Ph.D. degree.

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